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I am an Associate Professor in the Department of National Security Affairs at the Naval War College, Newport, RI, teaching courses on international security, foreign policy, strategy and civil-military relations. I spent the academic year 2013-2014 as an International Affairs Fellow with the Council on Foreign Relations, working as Advisor to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Combatting Terrorism. I worked specifically on building partner capacity programs and specialized in the EUCOM, CENTCOM, and AFRICOM regions. As of Fall 2024 I will be in my second year of co-teaching Foundations of International Security Policy at Columbia's SIPA with Steve Biddle and Tino Perez.

Here is my CV

I'm on Bluesky as 

Discussing Domestic Policing Deployment and Public Trust in the Military for Lawfare

Discussing the Total Force and Posse Comitatus with Carrie Lee of the US Army War College

Discussing the Army's recruiting issues with Larry Rifkin on America Trends Podcast

Discussing domestic policing and the expanded role of the National Guard with Phil Carter, Jessica Blankshain, and Gen (ret.) William Walker at Georgetown

Presenting recent research with Jessica Blankshain and Danielle Lupton on how US Americans think about the domestic use of coercive state force (at MIT) - this research is now forthcoming in the APSR

Discussing the problem of military professionalism in a context of political polarization

Discussing foreign fighters in Ukraine with Noelle King (episode 12 "The Americans Fighting for Ukraine")

Discussing militarized policing for Political Violence at a Glance.

Here is my written testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee, from January 2021, and here is the hearing.

Here is my written testimony to the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service, from May 2019, and here is the hearing/oral testimony.

Lawfare, 2 Nov 2020, “The Election and the Military” with Steve Vladeck.

Political Violence at a Glance, 5 Aug 2020, “Authoritarian Tactics on U.S. Soil” with Danielle Lupton and David Burbach.

Washington Post: the Monkey Cage, 29 Jul 2020, “What’s happening in Portland could hurt civilian control of the military. Here’s how” with David Burbach and Danielle Lupton.

Washington Post: the Monkey Cage, 2 Jun 2020, “Yes, Trump can send the military to shut down protests. Here’s what you need to know”.

Washington Post: the Monkey Cage, 5 Apr 2020, “This is what was so unusual about the U.S. Navy making Captain Brett Crozier step down” with Alice Hunt Friend and Jim Golby

Here, Max Margulies, Michael Robinson, and I discuss the difficult debate over military obedience and disobedience.

Discussing domestic use of federal military force with the ladies of Bombshell.

In 2015, I discussed some of the ethics of civil-military relations with Dr. Scott Douglas and Dr. Paul Robinson.


I can be reached by e-mail at

For my Columbia SIPA students, my email is